Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Summer Movie List

I thought I would pleasure my readers with my list of this years must see movies - according to me. You're all lucky too, since YouTube is gracious enough to have all the trailers for me to put up on my blog.

Number One has GOT to be Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It has now been more than a year since the last movie was out and the sixth installment of Harry Potter was my favorite. I have VERY high expectations for this movie and I really hope it doesn't disappoint like some of the other Harry Potter movies have done.

Number Two would have to be G.I. Joe based on the fact that my bother worked on it and his girlfriend is in it - although I do enjoy big blockbuster films in the summer.

Number Three is going to be… Terminator Salvation. I don't think you can get much better than that. I love Christian Bale and anything he is in I will want to see.

I think that's enough trailers for one blog but the other movies are;


Star Trek

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Public Enemies (Johnny Depp AND Christian Bale - come on)



  1. Oh man. Transformers is going to be crazy awesome. I've probably watched the trailer for that one about ten times.

    And your brother's girlfriend is going to be in GI Joe? That's super rad (that movie looks awesome too). Does she have a speaking part?

  2. Yea, she does! She has eight lines!!
