Thursday, February 11, 2010

Five Years of Loving Every Minute

I met him at the beginning of February 2005. I was a sophomore in college not necessarily looking for love. I wasn't opposed to it but I wasn't actively searching either. Then, one day, my friend asked me to go to Shaw Hall where some of her friends lived. In college I would do anything, we were always looking for a good time, so without hesitation, I went.

That's where I met him for the first time. Did sparks instantly fly? No. When I walked into the room he was wearing a headset and playing Halo - along with his friends. Did I think that this guy was going to end up being the love of my life? Far from it. I thought I was just going to another party and meeting some fun new people.

It wasn't until the following few days that I thought anything of him. We would have long conversations on AOL (into the wee hours of night) and literally ask each other hundreds of questions. For Valentine's Day he brought over three roses. One for myself, one for Erin and one for Ann. That day he also asked me out on our first date.

We went to dinner and a movie (Sideways). After that we shopped around Meijer's (I should have known then that that was one of his favorite places to shop). He was a perfect gentleman. Open all the doors for me and paid for both the dinner and the movie.

We didn't have the relationship conversation until a week after that and on February 25th, 2005 we made it official.

I've never had a boyfriend before him. I didn't know what to expect out of the whole thing. I didn't know what he wanted from me but I soon found out that he is perfect for me. The only thing he ever expects from me is to be me. Of course there are things about the other person that annoy or frustrate but I honestly believe that we are perfect for each other.

Five years have gone by and I couldn't even imagine my life without him now. He's my constant, my one and only, the one I come to everything with.

I guess I would have to say that I'm one lucky girl (but it goes without saying that he's one lucky guy too J).

Pictures through the years...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Generosity of Photographers

The generosity of fellow photographers honestly baffles me. I started wanting to make photography a side profession of mine about six months ago and to be completely honest; I didn't know where to start.

I knew I loved capturing moments otherwise unnoticed but I needed a better camera - something more than a point and shoot. So after a lot of going back and forth, I bought myself a Nikon D40. It was about the cheapest digital SLR I could get and I figured that the camera doesn't make the photographer. I was in awe of this camera and the photos that it produced (compared to my Canon point and shoot). Soon I begin wanting to invest in better lens so I bought myself a prime lens and a telephoto lens. I am EXTREMELY pleased with both of these.

After I got my equipment I began getting obsessed with other photographer's blogs. I studied everything about them. They, like me, started small but grew their business into something of an empire (to me that is). And the greatest thing about all of it is that their willing to share everything (besides the money of course). They tell you their secrets - they give you advice - they give you free products. They are constantly GIVING.

I cannot wait till I can be in a position where I can give advice and give someone else hope that they too can do this.

FYI - I am currently saving for a new camera. Although I don't think that the camera makes the photographer, I do think it's a smart idea to always have a back-up.

Because every post is better with a photo, here is a photo of my beautiful niece. All post production done in Lightroom 2.0.