Friday, April 17, 2009

Summer Time on the Horizon

With summer on the horizon I have realized that I have a lot of trips and events happening. I am pretty sure this is going to be the summer of Lisa - I'm going to do everything that I want to do. I'm a little disappointed in the fact that I won't be going to Las Vegas with friends (thank you Matt for trying to get everyone together) but I do have a job and I have limited vacation days so I really need to use them wisely. But it would sure be fun to go with that group of people (see pic below).
Obviously, the first summer event is Adam and Cindy's wedding which will bring me to East Lansing for three fun filled days- As the post previous to this one, I'm greatly looking forward to this.

The next event going on is the weekend after the wedding - Erin and I are making the drive to Ohio to see Michelle. Although we have no big plans for what we are going to do there, it will be nice to have a girls weekend. I am greatly looking forward to this as well.

Clearly after those two events my loving boyfriend comes into the picture (although I do hope he is there for the wedding). He'll be up in Hammond Bay, yet again, for another summer and I (the ever loving girlfriend) plans to visit him at least once or twice. It's a beautiful area and with my work having half day Fridays in the summer it works out perfectly. If anyone is interested in going up for a weekend let me know!

Last but definitly not least, Adam and I are going on a trip to Gloucester, MA and New York City in August. I am looking forward to this SO much. It will be a perfect way to cap off the summer and start the fall. There is still a lot of planning to do with this trip (I'm thinking of also going to DC for two days on our "way" to Gloucester). We have most of the rooms booked and in New York we're staying with my friend Tim - this should be an amazing time.

As I said before, this will be the summer of Lisa. I'm going to do the things I want to do and I'm going to be happy. I'm usually really good with winter but it brought me down this year. This summer will change that.

This summer is going to be perfect - Who's with me?!

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