This will be a good way for all you Julia fans out there to get a dose daily, weekly, monthly, whatever I decide to do.
For the first update, Dikran was here for the past five days and it has felt like a whirlwind. It makes the week go by so much faster when you're constantly doing something. This was the first visit where he literally spent all of his time with us - which was a very nice treat. This was also his first visit for Easter. I think having Jewels around keeps him coming back more often!

Dikran is an avid Tigers fan so Derek and I took yesterday off and went with him and my parents to go see them play. What a game we saw! 9-0 - Tigers! It was a lot of fun and the weather was decent so all in all a pretty perfect day.
Dikran left for DC today and I'm sure baby J is already going through withdraws.

Tomorrow is my day with Jewels (after work that is) and Saturday is Cindy's bachelorette party.
Many more posts and photos to come.
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