Monday, April 20, 2009

Quick Update

I just wanted to do a really quick update of this past weekend.

Friday was going to be my laid back day - I baby sat my niece. It was awesome - it was just the two of us. We went to the park, dinner and toys r us. She was an angel, as always.

Saturday morning I woke up way to late and got a late start with everything I needed to do for the bachelorette party that night. The whole day I felt like I was on this huge time crunch but, thankfully, everything went pretty smooth.

The party was a lot of fun and Cindy had a great time - which is the whole point. I was very happy with the hotel and the bars we went to.

Yesterday was another story though - wow did I not feel good. I guess that's what a bachelorette party is all about though, right?

Coming up is going to be a long blog about the party w/ pictures.

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