Friday, April 24, 2009

Twilight - The Obsession

So I was at the gym last night (later then usually) and Entertainment Weekly was on and did a special on the new Twilight movie, New Moon.

When Twilight first came out I was SO against it and I don't know why. I didn't understand the obsession over this series. I asked for the first book for Christmas this past year and ended up reading the entire series in a matter of 7 days.

Meyers writing isn't great - no better than the average English Lit. major (Go English Lit!) BUT the story she tells appeals to all- Women and Men.

She creates a completely different universe (much like Tolkien or Rowling) that allows the reader to escape from their everyday normality's. I enjoy books that allow you to dive into something completely different then what you live in. What's the fun in reading a book that is the same as real life? Now, I do like reading those every so often - to relate BUT I don't find it as fun.

The Twilight Series becomes an Obsession to everyone that reads it - like most series. I wasn't able to put down Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter (go ahead and call me a dork).

What I liked about the Twilight series over the other two (writing is MUCH better in the other two series) is that Meyers was able to tell a love story that would appeal to a broad range of ages and to both genders. The males have the action - sci fi and much more and the females still get the Romeo and Juliet type of love story. Meyers really worked it out well.

The age range is even more ridiculous - young kids read it, I read it (20 somethings), my aunt read it - my brother said a patient of his that is pretty old is in LOVE with it. Meyers really has done well for herself.

SO coming out soon is New Moon (my least favorite of the series - Edward isn't in it much) and so I thought I would post this you tube clip of ET from last night. I watched it as I ran and honestly had a dream about it later.

Call me weird, call me a dork but I love the Twilight Series.

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