Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday Nights

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Three TV Shows I Wouldn't Go Without
1. 24
2. American Idol
3. The Office
Here are the reasons -
1. 24
Well anyone who knows me knows that 24 has been my favorite show for a long time running now. This is the show I would miss my birthday for (seriously, we waited to go out until it was over).
Although I enjoyed the earlier seasons better, 24, for me, always delivers. It's filled with action, suspense, twists and most important, it's filled with Jack Bauer.
Jack Bauer is the love of my life (sorry Adam). He has GOT to be the coolest character on television, not to mention that he's easy on the eyes. I ask anyone to give me a more dominate character on television right now - you can try but I won't agree.
2. American Idol
I get SO excited every time American Idol comes around. It starts in January, like 24, and runs repeat free until it's over. I enjoy everything about this show - although I sometimes think they could cut it short - esp. the result shows.
This is my reality show because it’s entertaining - plan and simple - it's entertainment. It hooks me and reels me in EVERY season.
3. The Office
My comedy.
I could be having the worst day ever and pop in an episode of The Office and smile. I don't think I have ever NOT smiled or laughed during an episode. I can go into work the next day and think about something that happened in the episode the night before and sit at my desk cracking up.
Michael and Dwight are my favorite characters. I couldn't go a week without seeing those two.
Honorable Mention - LOST - because, come on, that show just kicks ass in so many different ways.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Dream Crusher
That is a VERY large cut, esp. since I wasn't making much to start with. I really am making the bare minimum. All I can say is THANK GOD I didn't move out and decided to stay with my parents.
This was a real dream crusher though, I was saving money for various reasons and now I really won't be able to put away much. And I know I am one of the workers that are better off because I am not married and do not have kids - boy do I feel bad for some of my co-workers.
These times really are affecting everyone and, of course, I didn't really think it was going to effect me in the least - guess I was wrong.
I love my job, the people I work with and everything that comes along with it. It just sucks.
BUT, things could always be worse.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Used Book Sale - Mall Sized
Laurel Park Place - Livonia Mall. I was there yesterday and it was everything I hoped it would be, besides the hundreds of people.
Let me just create this picture for you- I bought FIVE books, current books (one being hardcover), for $16.00. That's insane. If I bought all these books at Borders it would run me about 60 dollars or more. This is why I was in HEAVEN on Sunday.
These are the five books I bought:
1- Bergdorf Blondes By Plum Sykes
2- The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini
3- Prep By Curtis Sittenfeld
4- My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
5- Waters for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Now, I didn't even read the back of these books. I picked these by popularity and reviews from amazon I had read prior.
The funny thing is, I'm not reading ANY of those right now. I've put my attention back onto Harry Potter and the Half Blood Price, which is coming out in theaters soon.
For those of you who love to read, Harry Potter is something else in it's own right. I actually see a lot of similarities between the Potter series and the Lord of the Ring series - which I enjoy.
I love the feeling where you can't wait to get back home to open up a really good book, maybe with a glass of wine. That's where my head is at right now.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Twilight - The Obsession
When Twilight first came out I was SO against it and I don't know why. I didn't understand the obsession over this series. I asked for the first book for Christmas this past year and ended up reading the entire series in a matter of 7 days.
Meyers writing isn't great - no better than the average English Lit. major (Go English Lit!) BUT the story she tells appeals to all- Women and Men.
She creates a completely different universe (much like Tolkien or Rowling) that allows the reader to escape from their everyday normality's. I enjoy books that allow you to dive into something completely different then what you live in. What's the fun in reading a book that is the same as real life? Now, I do like reading those every so often - to relate BUT I don't find it as fun.
The Twilight Series becomes an Obsession to everyone that reads it - like most series. I wasn't able to put down Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter (go ahead and call me a dork).
What I liked about the Twilight series over the other two (writing is MUCH better in the other two series) is that Meyers was able to tell a love story that would appeal to a broad range of ages and to both genders. The males have the action - sci fi and much more and the females still get the Romeo and Juliet type of love story. Meyers really worked it out well.
The age range is even more ridiculous - young kids read it, I read it (20 somethings), my aunt read it - my brother said a patient of his that is pretty old is in LOVE with it. Meyers really has done well for herself.
SO coming out soon is New Moon (my least favorite of the series - Edward isn't in it much) and so I thought I would post this you tube clip of ET from last night. I watched it as I ran and honestly had a dream about it later.
Call me weird, call me a dork but I love the Twilight Series.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I'm Recycling an Event - Happy Earth Day
I can say, with 100% certainty, that my 24th birthday was my best birthday - by a mile. I've never had a great birthday - not through college at least. My 21st - no one was 21 and the day of the party I was really sick. My 22nd - none of my friends showed up, only Erin and Michelle (and Adam after work). So thanks to all of you for that. My 23rd - I don't even remember what I did.
My 24th started off with a great dinner at Champs with the love of my life.
Damn - we are a good looking couple if I do say so myself :)
After dinner we headed over to Lucky's to meet all my friends. Now I really didn't know how many people were going to come but I was happy with the fact that I knew my close friends were going to be there. Low and behold, pretty much everyone I wanted there was - including Tim (from NYC), Michelle (Ohio), and all my Troy friends (Erin, Matt, Jenae, Billy, Amanda, Bobby, Billy, Jackie, Bobby S. and more).
Matt, who hates Hot Damn, even bought me a shot of it ... and took it with me! Now that's a friend. Most everyone else also got my a hot damn shot - so I was pretty damn happy.
My brother came too, which of course made me happy and he brought along a bunch of his friends.
So, honestly, to everyone who came to my 24th birthday - you really made my day. It was the best birthday I've had in a long time and I owe it to everyone who came.
Also - Remember, today is Earth Day - Do something special for mother earth.
Oh - It's also Administrative Professionals Day so be nice to all those secretaries out there!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
"Guys... we're outside"
That party was this past weekend.
I had the party in a hotel in Novi that was located within Fountain Walk - that way we could walk to about 3 or 4 bars.
I woke up WAY to late and felt rushed until Erin and I finally got to the hotel and decorated (thank you to Erin for being such a good friend and helping out so much).
Cindy got there early to get ready. Cindy was also amazed when I told her that people actually did live in this hotel (at least that's what the front desk person told me). She told all of her friends that "people live here".

Monday, April 20, 2009
Quick Update
Friday was going to be my laid back day - I baby sat my niece. It was awesome - it was just the two of us. We went to the park, dinner and toys r us. She was an angel, as always.
Saturday morning I woke up way to late and got a late start with everything I needed to do for the bachelorette party that night. The whole day I felt like I was on this huge time crunch but, thankfully, everything went pretty smooth.
The party was a lot of fun and Cindy had a great time - which is the whole point. I was very happy with the hotel and the bars we went to.
Yesterday was another story though - wow did I not feel good. I guess that's what a bachelorette party is all about though, right?
Coming up is going to be a long blog about the party w/ pictures.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Summer Time on the Horizon

The next event going on is the weekend after the wedding - Erin and I are making the drive to Ohio to see Michelle. Although we have no big plans for what we are going to do there, it will be nice to have a girls weekend. I am greatly looking forward to this as well.

Last but definitly not least, Adam and I are going on a trip to Gloucester, MA and New York City in August. I am looking forward to this SO much. It will be a perfect way to cap off the summer and start the fall. There is still a lot of planning to do with this trip (I'm thinking of also going to DC for two days on our "way" to Gloucester). We have most of the rooms booked and in New York we're staying with my friend Tim - this should be an amazing time.
As I said before, this will be the summer of Lisa. I'm going to do the things I want to do and I'm going to be happy. I'm usually really good with winter but it brought me down this year. This summer will change that.
This summer is going to be perfect - Who's with me?!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Upcoming Wedding

The First Blog