I am no different.
Some people can go through-out their lives without knowing what they want to be and what they want to give back to the world - I am lucky in this aspect.
I want to be an artist.
This is why I am going to try and make a promise.
Starting January 1st, 2010 I plan on taking a least one photo everyday (baring any unforeseen events) and posting it on here.
Although I may not post a blog everyday, I will try and post a few times a week with my photos. I will give the reasons why and the actions took for each photo. I do this because I believe that photos can touch people in different ways. Whether is be a newborn baby or freshly fallen snow, every photo means something.
Every photo is a moment captured in time.
I will look to my photographer inspirations to guide me and to help me in every technical aspect. I encourage readers to read blogs like Amy Carroll's, Jasmine Star and Jessica Claire. These women are geniuses and although they may never know who I am, I want them to know that they were an inspiration to me. If I can do that to one reader, what they did to me, I will be happy.
So, that is my promise. This is something that I want to go through with. This is something that I can do.
And because every post is better with a photo here is my niece on Christmas morning. Life doesn't get much better then watching a two year old open presents from Santa Clause on Christmas morning.

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