I just had to photography Mickey running around in the snow - this was just a must.

My favorite.

The Greatest Story EVER Told - is Your OWN
I think one of my New Year's resolutions, besides dieting and working out, is going to be to blog more. I need to blog my favorite pictures from every shoot I do - I'm bad at this. I haven't had too many shoots yet but the ones I have I need to post.
One of the last sessions I did was of my sister-in-law and my brother, along with their toddler Julia. Cat, my sister-in-law, is due with their second child (a girl) at the end of February. We wanted to take some time to photograph Cat while pregnant. Cat wears pregnancy very well, as you'll be able to tell, she's gorgeous and glowing.
Here are some of my favorites. This will most likely be the last session of this family as a family of three.
Hope you enjoy!