Honestly, I didn't even need to think about this. There are a few people in my life that have made me the person I am today. I'm merely talking about the people who have changed my outlook on life - drastically.
I am very fortunate to have great family and friends around me all the time. I also want to state that this list is in no particular order but I guess in some sense it is since I put it that way.
So here it goes…
Dikran -
Dikran is six years older then I am and he is my oldest brother. * I just want to state right now that I am very close with my family* Growing up I really didn't get along with either of my brothers - there was a big age difference between myself and them and really, they had each other. Not until he went to U of M did I really get to know who my brother was as a person and what he wanted to do with his life.
He graduated with a major in Film and minor in History and the following year moved to California to get his masters at USC. I have never in my life known someone so ambitious and driven. He is the most care free, smart and funny person I know. He has taught me, not to sound cheesy, to follow my dreams. He is defiantly someone I constantly look up too and I miss him so much.

My Parents -
My parents have been a constant influence in my life. A lot of people don't get along with their parents the way I do. I still live with them and although I want to move on, it has nothing to do with them. They bestowed upon me their morals which became mine. They have taught me to love, to care, to accomplish, to constantly try and be a better person.
I will always remember the month long road trip we took together a few years ago. I realized that these people are not only my parents but friends. In the car day in and day out, we talked to each other like human beings - love, politics, issues, family, and friends. I couldn't have asked for a better time with them and I will ALWAYS remember that trip.

Derek/Cat/Jewels -
I think I'm pretty lucky to have my brother, sister-in-law and niece live about 3 miles from my house. These three are my constants. I see all of them multiple times a week and they are always up for doing something or other - no matter when I call.
The reason that they influence my life is I see them in many different situations - stressful and stress free. They always manage to work things out and they have so much to show for it. They were high school sweethearts who made it through everything and came out with a beautiful daughter who is the light of everyone's lives. They have always taught me that there is always time for fun and laughter.

Adam -
I don't know how I'm going to keep this one short at all - he has influenced my life in so many ways. Adam has been and will be my only boyfriend. He has shown me how much one person can mean in this world. I never thought much of myself before I met Adam and he honestly makes me feel like the world - that I matter.
We always talk about how we've been good for each other, that we balance each other out well. I could easily say that we are both two completely different people when we first started dating - in a good way. I am more interested in nature and I love to fish (I honestly do). We both love each other for exactly who we are and our interests became the others interest. I couldn't even imagine having a more perfectly suited partner for myself.

Tim K. -
Tim, although he lives in another state, is still a great friend of mine - maybe even the best. He has completely and utterly changed my view of the world and influenced my life forever. He is a person that I will always remember - and although I tease him all the time, he is a very wise person (sometimes).
I feel as though Tim and I grew up together although we have only known each other since the beginning of high school. What I mean by that is that we grew as people. We had a lot of drama at the end of high school which made us grow up even faster. He was my constant friend through out my first year of college even though he was in Boston - he helped me through tough times and I hope I did for him as well.

Erin -
I feel as though Erin is my friend who I am most alike (in most aspects). We might not always like the same music or movies but we seem to always agree on things that matter. We lived together for about three years and we didn't fight once. I honestly don't think most people can say that.
She has shown me what a true friend is and I can honestly say that she is the first person I call to tell anything too whether it big or small news. She is the definition of a true friend and I think if you asked most people they would agree. We don't get jealous or catty with each other - which is rare when you're talking about girls. She will be a friend for life - I'm sure of it.

I have so many more friends and family that have touched my life in so many different ways. Lauren T. and Michelle S. have been lifelong friends who I am lucky enough to stay in contact with.

Cindy, Adam K., Marc and Liz are four others who have touched my life and continue to do so.

It's hard to put into words how lucky I feel - these people have and will always be apart of myself.
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