So once and awhile weekends come along that are both socially interactive and relaxing - this past weekend was just that kind of (three) day weekend.
Friday, besides the storms, ended up being a pretty relaxing day. I do have to say, even though I have had a 25% pay cut, these Fridays off sure are nice. I was able to get a lot of running around done and still have hours before heading out to Troy.
Now Troy isn’t a pain to drive to in any means but I have to admit that it does get somewhat tiresome when I drive out there everyday BUT unfortunately, pretty much all of my friends live on that side of town so I usually end up spending the night at either Erin's or Adam's (when he's home).
Matt was having a BBQ at his place since his parents weren't home and I was really nervous for him about the weather, I'm a nervous person, what can I say? BUT thankfully, we were able to get all the eating done outside. It was a fun night with some really good friends, although Adam wasn't there. I always feel a little bad when I go out and have a good time with all of Adam's friends and he's not there because really, it's not by his choice - he would love to be out here with all of us.
Nevertheless, it was a good time with good food and good friends - not much more you can ask for.
Saturday was a different kind of day - the kind of days that don't come around too often, but the days I love! My mom and I went shopping for about five hours in the morning and I came home with an AMAZING dress for the trip Adam and I are going on in August. WOW - not kidding, this dress is awesome and I can't wait for Adam to see it on me!!
After shopping I had the house to myself - which was glorious. I sat out in the back and read until I couldn't breathe because of the heat. I came inside, watched some True Blood and had some dinner. After a long walk my parents and I watched the DeVinci Code (which I must admit, I liked).
Sunday was Fathers Day but since my dad doesn't get up until like 11, I went to church and picked up bagels on my way home. Did a lot more laying out in the sun while reading (a favorite pastime of mine) and before I knew, Derek, Cat and Jewels were over. We had a great night with family and fun and I was able to top it off with the new episode of True Blood.
This truly was a relaxing fun weekend - the only thing missing was, of course, Adam. It has now been SIX weeks since I've seen him.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Best Summer Television: True Blood
One morning I was listening to Jim Harper in the Morning (OK I listen to him every morning) and he was talking about a new show that was on HBO called True Blood. He explained that it was an adult version of Twilight pretty much - this clearly had me interested. I unfortunately do not have HBO and don't really plan on spending the money to get it - I really don't need to watch that much TV and I feel like if I was to get HBO I would ALWAYS be in front of the TV.
After he talked about it, I kind of let it go. I didn't really want to download all the episodes from ITunes so I just said whatever and continued on my way.
Last week I was walking in Target and saw that season one was now out on DVD and I got really excited, but didn't want to buy the set since I had no idea if I was going to like it or not so I did the next best thing and went to Blockbuster.
Blockbuster has this summer deal now too. You pay ten dollars for unlimited movies for a week - this clearly worked out perfect for me since True Blood had five discs and if I didn't get the pass, it would have cost me $25 - so already a deal!
I was considering watching this with my parents but they weren't able to watch the first episode when I wanted too so I started it on my own and WOW - I'm sure glad I did. In no way, shape or form should anyone watch this with their parents. I'm so glad it worked out the way it did.
The minute the show started, I was enthralled. It's about a small town in Louisiana in present day where humans and vampires are living together. It centers on a 25 year old woman named Sookie Stackhouse, a waitress who can read minds. Her life changes when Vampire Bill walks into the bar after Vampires have been made public for two years.
The first season is about a killer that has been murdering woman who has had some sort of relations with vampires. I will have to warn you that there is a lot of sex, violence and language, but what do you really expect from an HBO show?
Season two just started so for all of those who need some good summer television, I FULLY recommend True Blood.
After he talked about it, I kind of let it go. I didn't really want to download all the episodes from ITunes so I just said whatever and continued on my way.
Last week I was walking in Target and saw that season one was now out on DVD and I got really excited, but didn't want to buy the set since I had no idea if I was going to like it or not so I did the next best thing and went to Blockbuster.
Blockbuster has this summer deal now too. You pay ten dollars for unlimited movies for a week - this clearly worked out perfect for me since True Blood had five discs and if I didn't get the pass, it would have cost me $25 - so already a deal!
I was considering watching this with my parents but they weren't able to watch the first episode when I wanted too so I started it on my own and WOW - I'm sure glad I did. In no way, shape or form should anyone watch this with their parents. I'm so glad it worked out the way it did.
The minute the show started, I was enthralled. It's about a small town in Louisiana in present day where humans and vampires are living together. It centers on a 25 year old woman named Sookie Stackhouse, a waitress who can read minds. Her life changes when Vampire Bill walks into the bar after Vampires have been made public for two years.
The first season is about a killer that has been murdering woman who has had some sort of relations with vampires. I will have to warn you that there is a lot of sex, violence and language, but what do you really expect from an HBO show?
Season two just started so for all of those who need some good summer television, I FULLY recommend True Blood.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Weekend Getaway - Ohio Style
So this past weekend Erin and I made our way to the great state of Ohio to visit Michelle. The drive took us about four and a half hours and was very boring UNTIL we played Truth (same game as truth or dare just without the dare). That passed some time until we arrived at Michelle's exit.
When arriving at her apartment complex I was in awe and very impressed with how nice everything was AND how close to things she was. I don't know what I was expecting but it sure wasn't what I saw. Her apartment was big and open and just perfect for her. Her balcony faced woods/creek and it felt like we were in the jungle with all the bird noises.
When arriving at her apartment complex I was in awe and very impressed with how nice everything was AND how close to things she was. I don't know what I was expecting but it sure wasn't what I saw. Her apartment was big and open and just perfect for her. Her balcony faced woods/creek and it felt like we were in the jungle with all the bird noises.

After showing us around it was the daunting task of now trying to figure out what to do. We were meeting up with her Ohio friends the next day so it would just be the three girls. We settled upon going to Kentucky for dinner and drinks so we could say that not only did we go to Ohio but we also spent some time in Kentucky. We went to a nice little downtown area and had dinner at a place called Cosmos. We sat outside because it was a fabulous day out and drank some beer, had some good food and got all caught up with each others lives.

Good thing we got caught up at dinner because where we went next, there was NO way to talk. We made our way over to Covington to a bar I like to call the Haus House but I think it's called the Hausbrahaus (or something like that). It's this big German bar with a live band, which we sat right in front of. This band was great but very loud so we got our beers and listened. Soon they asked for some recommendations and I yelled out the chicken dance because Michelle told me it was great when they did it. Once they started playing it everyone in the bar got up on their chairs and started dancing - this was a lot of fun.

After that we made our way back to Michelle's place and hung out - the next day was going to be jammed pack.
On Saturday we got up and went to Michelle's pool. It was gorgeous outside - in the 80s! So we all worked on our tans/ went swimming and just enjoyed each others company.
After the pool we made our way to the Cincinnati Zoo. We have all heard good things about it and decided to try it out. I am SO happy we ended up going there because it was so much fun! My favorite part of it was the Jungle Trail - the Zoo did a great job on that. I think Erin and Michelle's favorite part of the whole thing was the bird show - I mean they weren't freaking out or anything!

After the zoo we got ready and then headed out to Mt. Adams. SO CUTE! It looked like a place you would find in San Francisco - all hilly with a bunch of bars intermixed. It was a lot of fun! Although I did get made fun of from the bartender about wanting a shot of hot damn!
Michelle's friends were great! So friendly and welcoming - we will for sure be back again.
All in all it was a fabulous trip. We had great weather, great fun and great company. I can't wait to plan my next trip back!

Michelle - Thanks for your hospitality! Everything was perfect!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Most Influential People in my Life
I was reading my friend Matt's blog about the people who influence him and I thought that was a great idea - so I'm stealing this subject from him. Thanks Matt.
Honestly, I didn't even need to think about this. There are a few people in my life that have made me the person I am today. I'm merely talking about the people who have changed my outlook on life - drastically.
I am very fortunate to have great family and friends around me all the time. I also want to state that this list is in no particular order but I guess in some sense it is since I put it that way.
So here it goes…
Dikran -
Dikran is six years older then I am and he is my oldest brother. * I just want to state right now that I am very close with my family* Growing up I really didn't get along with either of my brothers - there was a big age difference between myself and them and really, they had each other. Not until he went to U of M did I really get to know who my brother was as a person and what he wanted to do with his life.
He graduated with a major in Film and minor in History and the following year moved to California to get his masters at USC. I have never in my life known someone so ambitious and driven. He is the most care free, smart and funny person I know. He has taught me, not to sound cheesy, to follow my dreams. He is defiantly someone I constantly look up too and I miss him so much.

My Parents -
My parents have been a constant influence in my life. A lot of people don't get along with their parents the way I do. I still live with them and although I want to move on, it has nothing to do with them. They bestowed upon me their morals which became mine. They have taught me to love, to care, to accomplish, to constantly try and be a better person.
I will always remember the month long road trip we took together a few years ago. I realized that these people are not only my parents but friends. In the car day in and day out, we talked to each other like human beings - love, politics, issues, family, and friends. I couldn't have asked for a better time with them and I will ALWAYS remember that trip.

Derek/Cat/Jewels -
I think I'm pretty lucky to have my brother, sister-in-law and niece live about 3 miles from my house. These three are my constants. I see all of them multiple times a week and they are always up for doing something or other - no matter when I call.
The reason that they influence my life is I see them in many different situations - stressful and stress free. They always manage to work things out and they have so much to show for it. They were high school sweethearts who made it through everything and came out with a beautiful daughter who is the light of everyone's lives. They have always taught me that there is always time for fun and laughter.

Adam -
I don't know how I'm going to keep this one short at all - he has influenced my life in so many ways. Adam has been and will be my only boyfriend. He has shown me how much one person can mean in this world. I never thought much of myself before I met Adam and he honestly makes me feel like the world - that I matter.
We always talk about how we've been good for each other, that we balance each other out well. I could easily say that we are both two completely different people when we first started dating - in a good way. I am more interested in nature and I love to fish (I honestly do). We both love each other for exactly who we are and our interests became the others interest. I couldn't even imagine having a more perfectly suited partner for myself.

Tim K. -
Tim, although he lives in another state, is still a great friend of mine - maybe even the best. He has completely and utterly changed my view of the world and influenced my life forever. He is a person that I will always remember - and although I tease him all the time, he is a very wise person (sometimes).
I feel as though Tim and I grew up together although we have only known each other since the beginning of high school. What I mean by that is that we grew as people. We had a lot of drama at the end of high school which made us grow up even faster. He was my constant friend through out my first year of college even though he was in Boston - he helped me through tough times and I hope I did for him as well.

Erin -
I feel as though Erin is my friend who I am most alike (in most aspects). We might not always like the same music or movies but we seem to always agree on things that matter. We lived together for about three years and we didn't fight once. I honestly don't think most people can say that.
She has shown me what a true friend is and I can honestly say that she is the first person I call to tell anything too whether it big or small news. She is the definition of a true friend and I think if you asked most people they would agree. We don't get jealous or catty with each other - which is rare when you're talking about girls. She will be a friend for life - I'm sure of it.

I have so many more friends and family that have touched my life in so many different ways. Lauren T. and Michelle S. have been lifelong friends who I am lucky enough to stay in contact with.

Cindy, Adam K., Marc and Liz are four others who have touched my life and continue to do so.

It's hard to put into words how lucky I feel - these people have and will always be apart of myself.
Honestly, I didn't even need to think about this. There are a few people in my life that have made me the person I am today. I'm merely talking about the people who have changed my outlook on life - drastically.
I am very fortunate to have great family and friends around me all the time. I also want to state that this list is in no particular order but I guess in some sense it is since I put it that way.
So here it goes…
Dikran -
Dikran is six years older then I am and he is my oldest brother. * I just want to state right now that I am very close with my family* Growing up I really didn't get along with either of my brothers - there was a big age difference between myself and them and really, they had each other. Not until he went to U of M did I really get to know who my brother was as a person and what he wanted to do with his life.
He graduated with a major in Film and minor in History and the following year moved to California to get his masters at USC. I have never in my life known someone so ambitious and driven. He is the most care free, smart and funny person I know. He has taught me, not to sound cheesy, to follow my dreams. He is defiantly someone I constantly look up too and I miss him so much.

My Parents -
My parents have been a constant influence in my life. A lot of people don't get along with their parents the way I do. I still live with them and although I want to move on, it has nothing to do with them. They bestowed upon me their morals which became mine. They have taught me to love, to care, to accomplish, to constantly try and be a better person.
I will always remember the month long road trip we took together a few years ago. I realized that these people are not only my parents but friends. In the car day in and day out, we talked to each other like human beings - love, politics, issues, family, and friends. I couldn't have asked for a better time with them and I will ALWAYS remember that trip.

Derek/Cat/Jewels -
I think I'm pretty lucky to have my brother, sister-in-law and niece live about 3 miles from my house. These three are my constants. I see all of them multiple times a week and they are always up for doing something or other - no matter when I call.
The reason that they influence my life is I see them in many different situations - stressful and stress free. They always manage to work things out and they have so much to show for it. They were high school sweethearts who made it through everything and came out with a beautiful daughter who is the light of everyone's lives. They have always taught me that there is always time for fun and laughter.

Adam -
I don't know how I'm going to keep this one short at all - he has influenced my life in so many ways. Adam has been and will be my only boyfriend. He has shown me how much one person can mean in this world. I never thought much of myself before I met Adam and he honestly makes me feel like the world - that I matter.
We always talk about how we've been good for each other, that we balance each other out well. I could easily say that we are both two completely different people when we first started dating - in a good way. I am more interested in nature and I love to fish (I honestly do). We both love each other for exactly who we are and our interests became the others interest. I couldn't even imagine having a more perfectly suited partner for myself.

Tim K. -
Tim, although he lives in another state, is still a great friend of mine - maybe even the best. He has completely and utterly changed my view of the world and influenced my life forever. He is a person that I will always remember - and although I tease him all the time, he is a very wise person (sometimes).
I feel as though Tim and I grew up together although we have only known each other since the beginning of high school. What I mean by that is that we grew as people. We had a lot of drama at the end of high school which made us grow up even faster. He was my constant friend through out my first year of college even though he was in Boston - he helped me through tough times and I hope I did for him as well.

Erin -
I feel as though Erin is my friend who I am most alike (in most aspects). We might not always like the same music or movies but we seem to always agree on things that matter. We lived together for about three years and we didn't fight once. I honestly don't think most people can say that.
She has shown me what a true friend is and I can honestly say that she is the first person I call to tell anything too whether it big or small news. She is the definition of a true friend and I think if you asked most people they would agree. We don't get jealous or catty with each other - which is rare when you're talking about girls. She will be a friend for life - I'm sure of it.

I have so many more friends and family that have touched my life in so many different ways. Lauren T. and Michelle S. have been lifelong friends who I am lucky enough to stay in contact with.

Cindy, Adam K., Marc and Liz are four others who have touched my life and continue to do so.

It's hard to put into words how lucky I feel - these people have and will always be apart of myself.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Two Very Different Disney Movies
In the past few weeks I have seen two very different Disney movies. One was Disney Nature - Earth and the other, Disney Pixar - UP.
If you were ever curious to what Earth was about, just rent Planet Earth due by the BBC. I was horribly disappointed in this movie. Since I have seen all 60 some hours of Planet Earth, I felt like I wasted a movie ticket. The trailer, to me, came across as a story of three different animal families - the whale, the polar bear and the elephant. NOPE. It showed the same exact footage as Planet Earth.
Was it beautiful? Yes. Was it worth the money? No.
This past weekend I had the PRIVILEGE of seeing the Disney Pixar movie UP and let me tell you, I haven't seen that good of a Disney movie in a long time.
My mom and I arrived about 20 minutes early to find the whole theater filled with adults - this was a Sunday afternoon. I was surprised by this because I thought this was a children's movie. A couple walked in with their daughter after me and my mom and actually asked us if they were in the right movie. According to my ticket, they were.
The story, plain and simply, is about a man vowing to keep a promise to his late wife. Along the way he meets new people, makes new friends and has adventures in his own right. The themes and morals in this movie make more sense to adults then any child I know BUT there is your classic Disney humor and banter that every child and adult alike will love.
I would completely recommend this movie to any and everyone. It will honestly make you laugh, cry and cheer for the good guys.
If you were ever curious to what Earth was about, just rent Planet Earth due by the BBC. I was horribly disappointed in this movie. Since I have seen all 60 some hours of Planet Earth, I felt like I wasted a movie ticket. The trailer, to me, came across as a story of three different animal families - the whale, the polar bear and the elephant. NOPE. It showed the same exact footage as Planet Earth.
Was it beautiful? Yes. Was it worth the money? No.
This past weekend I had the PRIVILEGE of seeing the Disney Pixar movie UP and let me tell you, I haven't seen that good of a Disney movie in a long time.
My mom and I arrived about 20 minutes early to find the whole theater filled with adults - this was a Sunday afternoon. I was surprised by this because I thought this was a children's movie. A couple walked in with their daughter after me and my mom and actually asked us if they were in the right movie. According to my ticket, they were.
The story, plain and simply, is about a man vowing to keep a promise to his late wife. Along the way he meets new people, makes new friends and has adventures in his own right. The themes and morals in this movie make more sense to adults then any child I know BUT there is your classic Disney humor and banter that every child and adult alike will love.
I would completely recommend this movie to any and everyone. It will honestly make you laugh, cry and cheer for the good guys.
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